The complexity of installing a fire safety system at a residential or industrial facility consists of the necessity to use different types of detectors in a single scheme. These types include temperature and smoke detector installation, optical fire detectors, and others. The only technologically correct combination of all types in a single system provides reliable and trouble-free operation of the whole fire safety system. The advantage of 1888 Electrical Services is the availability of highly qualified specialists (including an emergency electrician near me) and precise observance regulations and technical documentation when installing a fire safety system.
Stages of installation of fire safety systems
- preparing a technical assignment
- system design
- cable routing
- installation of equipment
- system commissioning
Drawing up the technical task
The formation of the technical task for the installation of fire alarm sensors carried out by a team of specialists 1888 Electrical Services in compliance with all established state standards and norms. At this stage, specialists conduct a comprehensive study of the object, its architectural and design features, the alleged number of residents or workers, the wishes of the customer, and other factors. The results of the study form a technical task for the design of the system.
System design
The fire alarm system design is performed by 1888 specialists individually for each facility according to the requirements of fire safety regulations, electrical installation norms, and applicable material standards. The project includes the location and method of mounting of each sensor, location of cables, and a full system scheme. The main criteria in developing the fire alarm installation system are the optimal choice of equipment and simplicity in operation.
Cable routing
Cable routing of the fire safety system of an object shall be performed by the construction crews of 1888 in accordance with the existing design solution. In the process of laying routes for functioning real estate objects, the maximum accuracy of the process shall be ensured. Cable routes must protect wiring from mechanical damage in the process of system operation.
24 hour Electrical installation
A considerable part of the total cost of the fire alarm system of the object is the cost of the equipment. At this stage, 1888 24 hour electricians install all active devices of the system such as whole house surge protector installation, detectors, call points, cameras, fire extinguishing, and other devices. The complete list of equipment for installation and estimates of its purchase is specified in the fire alarm system project.
Commissioning works
Correct operation of this system is possible only on the condition of correct actions for system adjustment and start-up. It includes adjustment and check of correct work of all units and sensors, installation of specialized software, and check of the whole system in different operation modes.
System commissioning
After all system equipment check, the specialists of 1888 Electrical Services hand over the system to the customer. At this stage, the staff is trained to work and respond to emergencies.